Essential Features to Look for in a Rainwater Tank Pump


Purchasing a rainwater tank is an excellent way to utilize rainwater for some household needs such as cooking, cleaning, and watering your grass or garden. Using rainwater can significantly reduce your utility bills during the rainy season. One of the essential components of a rainwater tank is the pump. A good-quality rainwater tank pump should be durable, sturdy, and it should supply water at the ideal pressure. Since there are different pumps on the market today, you need to look out for the following features.

12 August 2016

4 Ways to Minimize False Fire Alarms in Your Workplace


An effective automatic fire-detection system that is properly serviced can offer a fast response to a fire, and thus, help to save lives while reducing the loss of property. However, the same system can also lead to false alarms causing heavy losses. A false alarm can also significantly reduce the public confidence in the capability of the alarm system and the respective installation company. By reducing these false fire alarms, you can keep your workplace safe, and avoid interruption to your business.

5 August 2016

Perform Maintenance On Your Crane Equipment to Keep it in Good Condition


Cranes are an excellent way to move large, heavy, and bulky equipment from one area to another on the construction site or in a warehouse. In order to keep the area safe for crane operators and other workers, you need to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs of the crane. Here are some tips to accomplish that. Have the Crane Inspected Regularly The first thing you need to do is get regular inspections for the crane.

17 June 2016

Questions You Might Have About Renting Scaffolding for Home Use


You can actually rent scaffolding for use at home without being a licensed or professional contractor. These pieces can make it safer for you to manage painting or repairs at any elevated height. If you do want to work on your home's roof, chimney, siding, or elevated ceiling inside the home, note a few questions you might have about renting scaffolding so you know what's involved in the process. Does the scaffolding stay secure on windy days?

16 June 2016

A Quick List of Needed Power Tools for the First-Time Homeowner


After buying your first home, you may be eager to start tackling all the necessary maintenance jobs and small renovation tasks that will keep it in good repair and looking its best. However, if you've lived in apartments your whole life, you may not own any tools and don't know which ones will be needed for all those standard household tasks. Note this quick list of needed power tools for the first-time homeowner to help get you started.

9 June 2016

Choosing Different Types of Timber Crates for Shipping


When you need to choose timber crates for shipping, you may not realize the wide variety of crates available to you. Timber crates can be made of a variety of thicknesses so that some are more rugged and durable than others, but their overall construction and design can also be very different. Note a few different types of timber crates you might choose from when it comes to your shipping so you know the best option for your company.

8 June 2016

Do You Need an Air Cannon for Your Production Facility?


An air cannon is a device that is attached to the side of a silo, bunker, rail car, and other such storage tank. It offers a blast of air that helps materials continue to flow if they get stuck to each other, stuck to the sides of the tank, or otherwise clogged so they don't move freely. If you have any type of tank that holds materials that sometimes get stuck, you might note if an air cannon would be the right choice, versus vibration equipment that gently shakes the tank.

8 June 2016

How to Select the Best Service Company for Your Industrial Equipment


More technology is now available to keep track of various aspects of a company's performance. You should take advantage of those technological advancements as you evaluate different service companies so that you select the best one to service the industrial equipment in your factory. This article discusses some of the information that owners of factories should request the competing PM service companies to provide during the process of selecting a firm to provide preventive maintenance for factory equipment.

8 June 2016

Some Questions You Might Have About a Residential Elevator Installation


Getting a residential elevator can make it easy to carry laundry and other heavy items up and down stairs, and for those with balance issues, joint problems, or who are in wheelchairs, they may be the only option for getting to upper and lower levels. Having a residential elevator retrofitted into your home is usually possible for just about any house, but you might note a few commonly asked questions first; you can then discuss these topics with a builder if you still need more information about an elevator in your home.

8 June 2016

Flow aids designed for handling dry bulk and granular material


Plant operators whose work entails handling dry bulk and granular material are familiar with problems such as rat-holing, caking and the formation of the stable arch. These problems not only introduce delays in the plant's materials handling processes, they also expose the plant operators to dangers associated with clogging and mechanical failure. However, there are several flow aids intended to make the flow of these materials easier in bins, chutes and other containers.

8 June 2016